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The Palace

Palazzo Seneca

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Palazzo Seneca was built in the 16th century by the homonymous family from Piedivalle, a town near Preci, whose inhabitants were famous as skilled wood carvers. Among their works is the wooden choir of the Basilica of St. Benedict, which no longer exists in the church, and the choir in the Abbey of St. Eutizio.

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Since 1850 our family has handed down, from father to son, a passion for hospitality and catering with unmatched continuity. Palazzo Seneca is the evolution of 150 years of tradition, of our studies, our experience and research, carried out in Italy and in the world.

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Winner of the 2019 Italian Responsible Tourism Award

Title of the Project: Norcia, where History and Tradition embrace Nature.

Award motivation: “Palazzo Seneca has embraced the mission of ensuring a rational and lasting development of the area, with the awareness that the destination in which it is located must be appreciated and valued in order to be passed on to future generations”.

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La Route de Bonheur

More than 50 years ago Relais & Châteaux was first conceived as a travel itinerary from Paris to the South of France with stops at charming and unique properties along the way. This travel route was affectionately known as La Route de Bonheur – the route of happiness.

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Special Offer - Early Booking

Dine and Dream

Easter in Norcia (3 nights)

Follow our Road to Happiness!
Certification No. 9575/342.20 dated December 7, 2020 - Tourism Section